Launched: Free From Violence - Second Action Plan 2022-2025

A new plan launched today will support Victorians to prevent violence within families and against women in the places where they live, work, learn and play. 

Minister for Women and the Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams today launches the Free from Violence Second action plan (2022-2025), which will steer the state’s work to prevent violence against women and family violence. 

Research shows that gender inequality sets the underlying context for violence against women, where women and men do not have equal social status, power, resources or opportunities, and their voices, ideas and work are not valued equally by society.   

The Free from Violence Second Action Plan (2022-2025) represents a partnership between the Victorian Government and Respect Victoria - the statutory authority dedicated to the primary prevention of all forms of family violence - to work with the broader family violence sector and the community to end family violence.  

It builds on key achievements of the first action plan, including the establishment of Respect Victoria, implementing Respectful Relationships in all government schools and developing research into the drivers of family violence and what works to prevent it, including violence against women with disability, LGBTIQ+ people and elder abuse, and how to engage men and boys in prevention efforts. 

The plan provides the foundation for new work, including to address sexual violence, work towards affirmative consent, and equip more Victorians to speak up and take action when they witness disrespect for and violence against women. The plan’s priorities include. building knowledge and community engagement and awareness, such as through Respect Victoria’s research alliance, ‘Call it Out’ and other new behaviour change campaigns focused on the experiences of young people, Aboriginal Victorians and people with a disability.  

Recognising that Aboriginal people are disproportionately impacted by family and gendered violence, the plan includes a strong commitment to self-determination and Aboriginal-led strategies. It also places the lived experience of those who have experienced violence front and centre, and seeks to better understand intersecting vulnerabilities to violence. 

Read more about the strategy on the Victorian Government website