Primary prevention priorities for First Nations Family Safety Respect Victoria contribution to National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander National Family Safety Plan Engagement. Justice Responses to Sexual Violence Submission Respect Victoria response to Inquiry into Justice Responses to Sexual Violence Bringing people who use violence into focus Submission to the Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria Three Year Report on Progress in Prevention Capturing progress on prevention in Victoria from late 2018 to end of 2021 Coercive control and prevention of family violence Actions the federal government can take to prevent coercive control and all forms of family violence National Summit on Women's Safety Key prevention priorities for policy makers Monitoring Victoria's Family Violence Reforms Submission to the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor Victoria’s Gender Equality Strategy Submission on the renewal of "Safe and Strong" National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children Centring primary prevention in the next National Plan Parliamentary inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence Submission to inform the next National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children Advocacy on structural and systemic discrimination Addressing discrimination and inequality under COVID-19 Prevention principles in the COVID-19 pandemic Six guiding principles to maintain focus on preventing violence before it starts